Now to organise the shooting and printing of the calendar. My very good friend Elaine, a fellow LTC member and freelance writer, approached our lovely friend Tilley Bancroft, an animator and photographer and asked if she'd be willing to do our photo shoot. Tilley is an amazingly talented lady and in true Tilley style was bubbling over with enthusiasm.
And so the three of us got together one evening to make plans. It goes without saying that there were copious amounts of tea and cake consumed.
We knew from the beginning that we wanted our theme to be a theatrical one so we talked through many poses, some inspired and some frankly too funny but we finally agreed on our 12 poses.
Elaine, being in the profession she is, had many brilliant ideas about publishing and promoting the calendar. Tilley and Elaine had already had chats with a local printing company and were to have further talks to determine the style of the calendar, how many to print and the finer details.
It was left to me to contact the Brewhouse to book the theatre auditorium for our shoot. No turning back now the date is set for Sunday 10th June 2012.
We'd decided that we wanted to be ready to launch our calendar in early September at the Little Theatre Company's bi-annual fund raising Playathon. And so, on cup of tea number three ( thanks to the expert tea brewer Ken, my other half) we had our initial plan of action. We were well on our way.
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